Ensure Your Warehouse Safety and Compliance

Ensuring the safety and efficiency of your storage systems is crucial for any warehouse operation. At P. Nihill Engineering, we offer comprehensive inspection services certified by SARI and adhering to BS EN 15635:2008 standards. Our goal is to help you maintain a safe and compliant warehouse environment.

Why Are Racking Inspections Important?

Over time, racking systems suffer from wear and tear, compromising their strength, capacity, and integrity. Damaged racking poses significant risks to your staff and business, including:
Portrait of warehouse worker at warehouse store

The Inspection Process

Initial Assessment:
Our trained inspectors conduct a detailed assessment of your storage systems to identify any risks and areas for improvement.
Compliance and Safety Audit:
We perform a thorough audit based on SEMA and BS EN 15635:2008 standards to ensure all systems meet regulatory requirements.
Detailed Reporting:

After the inspection, we provide a clear and concise report listing any structural damage and signs of overloading. The report categorises damage to racking components into three levels of risk:

  • Green: Minimal damage, no immediate action required.
  • Amber: Moderate damage, remedial action needed within six weeks.
  • Red: Severe damage, immediate off-loading and repairs required.
Implementation Support:
We offer hands-on support to help you implement the necessary changes and improvements to your storage systems.
Follow-Up and Maintenance:
Periodic re-inspections and maintenance checks ensure ongoing compliance and safety.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the In-Depth Rack Safety and Compliance Audit include?

Our Pallet Racking safety audits meticulously assesses your storage systems to SEMA and EN 15635 :2008 standards to identify all safety risks. This process identifies any areas that need immediate attention to enhance the safety and compliance of your storage systems.

What is included in the Detailed Reporting?

We provide a comprehensive report on our findings detailing all defects that may be present in your storage system along with thorough recommendations to improve the safety and efficiency of the systems. Our reports categorise any damaged racking components into three levels of risk using the traffic light system

Green: These are components with minimal damage. No remedial action is required, and warehouse operatives can continue to use this section of the storage system as normal. It is important to identify green risks so that these components can be monitored for any further damage and referenced to in future inspections.

Amber:  Damage to this degree is more than the allowable limits and will require remedial action, but it does not require the immediate off-loading of the rack. The racking structure in this section should be off-loaded within six weeks and cordoned off from future use and should not be returned to use until repair work is carried out.

Red: This level of damage is over double the safe limitations of the SEMA Code of practice and poses a severe safety risk. The racking components should be off

How does the Tailored Safety Training work?

Our customised training programs are designed to enhance workplace safety. We tailor these programs to meet the specific needs of your business, ensuring that your staff are well-equipped to handle your storage systems safely and efficiently.

What is the Comprehensive Safety Plan and Strategy?

This plan includes a robust set of guidelines and strategies to ensure long-term compliance and safety in your warehouse. It operates continuously, providing clear visibility of its effectiveness and return on investment.

What does Hands-On Support involve?

We offer ongoing project management and implementation support to help you integrate new safety policies and measures effectively. This hands-on approach ensures that your warehouse remains compliant and safe.

Why should I choose P. Nihill Engineering for my inspections and safety training?

At P. Nihill Engineering, we prioritise practical and efficient solutions tailored to your business needs. Our SARI-certified inspections and training programs ensure that your storage systems are safe, compliant, and effective, helping you maintain a safe and productive work environment.

How often should I have my warehouse inspected?

Regular inspections are integral to ensuring ongoing compliance and safety with SEMA and EN 15635 2008 standards. The frequency can depend on the specific needs and operations of your warehouse, but typically, an annual inspection is a good standard.

What is the benefit of having a compliance action plan?

A compliance action plan provides a straightforward roadmap to maintain safety standards and compliance with all relevant directives and regulations. This helps in preventing accidents and maintaining a safe working environment.

How can I request an inspection or training program?

You can contact us directly via email at info@pnihillengineering.ie or by phone at (placeholder No.). Additionally, you can request a quote through our website to schedule an inspection or training program tailored to your needs.


Book Your Inspection

Ensure the safety and efficiency of your storage systems with our professional inspection services. Book your racking inspection online today or email us at info@pnihillengineering.ie for more information.